Testing BigBlueButton with 2 cores x 4Gb RAM of DigitalOcean VPS

Sergi Rodríguez  
05-07-2020 16:50  
5 minutos de lectura  

I began to work with BigBlueButton 10 days ago. For the first tests i follow recommended requirements for the server: 4 cores & 8Gb of RAM. But i decided to test with less requirements (2 cores & 4Gbs!!) and it works!!! I'm fascinated with both: this great software and this great VPS/droplets of DigitalOcean.

Screenshots first

Let me show first the screenshots, and below i explain about the test environment and my conclusions.

Amazing good performance

The server when doing nothing

The server when compressing video after close meet room.

Screenshots from cellphone using BigBlueButton.

Playing the recording: 3 webcams and slide presentation.in two splitted video files !!

Recording with slides' thumbs

Note this: the big slides (like this one) has impressed the marks you did during the conference!! ;-)


Environment of the test

  • Droplet at DigitalOcean, on San Francisco datacenter, of 2 cores and 4Gb of RAM.
  • The install process (using the official SH script) take no more than 20 minutes. Previously i had redirected the subdomain to the droplet IP.
  • I invited 3 other friends (one in Barcelona, the others in Mexico, the server at USA) to the test meet room. One of them connected from mobile phone and the other from computer. And all shared webcam at the same time. Our conference lasted more than 2 hours. We uploaded powerpoint presentation, Shared chrome browser tab, Shared desktop, used subtitles, even we created and used "breakout rooms".
  • We were recording part of session (about 30 minutes). So after finish session and close the meeting room, the server was working on process recording: it took an hour and a half (3 times the length of the recorded session!!).


  1. The VPS did the work!! Even, maybe if you don't use session recording it probably could hold many many more attendees. In fact, it's amazing that it has only needed 22.5% of CPU usage to 3-4 moderators on a same room. I suppose that this means that it probably could manage at least another or 2 more rooms at the same time! Please, if you do some kind of test please share your results.
  2. The processing of the recorded video is really the bottle neck for this server. Above in the screenshots you can see that if you run a HTOP command during video processing, it needed one of the cores at the 99% and the other one at 50%. Both cores alternated heavy work each few seconds. But the processing of 30 minutes of recording took 90 minutes, with no possibility of doing anything else until finish. So, this is a "litlle" handicap.
  3. The software is simply amazing: smooth, well finished, stable, complete, unexepected features or surprises, etc. Do you know that in the recorded session it is included a "synchronized playback" of the texts written on the public chat!? wooowww!! An even more, do you know that when you play the recorded session it can show on the left a tiny column with the thumbnail of the slides and you can click on them to JUMP to that part of the presentation? Incredible. Professional.

I'm a new customer of DigitalOcean since 10 days ago, just due to the need of a VPS for BBB to be integrated with LMS Chamilo for a customer of mine in Europe. But i can say that by now i'm really surprised about this excellent service of DigitalOcean, at so very good prices. I hope i can say the same in the next months/years.

Etiquetas : bbb | hosting

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